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Menstruation is a constant experience that is going to stay for a long time.

A little preparation and relief can go a long way and can tremendously improve your life, each month. Organizing for the time of the month helps prevent the frown when it comes around.

You can have a "menstrual kit" in place, which includes all the necessary sanitary requirements like menstrual cups, period underwear, a hot water bottle, and app that organizes and reminds you of your menstrual cycle.

Most of the things we are including in this kit list can work up to 5 years or more, which is great for us women. It reduces the stress that comes with the pain and prevents embarrassing moments that can happen in case you are not prepared.

Having one ready also makes it easy to give yourself relief and soothe the PMS symptoms no matter your financial standing each month.

We have put together a detailed list of practical, reliable and reusable things that can make your menstruation period more manageable.

1) The Menstrual Cup

This is a feminine sanitary product that is an upgrade from tampons and sanitary pads. It is a small, bell-shaped, soft, flexible, chemical-free reusable cup that collects menstrual blood instead of absorbing it. The blood does not stay in contact with your skin, and neither does it leave fibres inside your body after removing it. Imagine not having to spend any money on sanitary pads or tampons for years!

The cup has a rim that forms an airtight seal when placed inside, which prevents menstrual odour, and leakage. It holds five times the amount of blood the tampon holds and can be washed and reused during the next period.

This hygiene product can be used for up to five years, is easy to clean and has no long term effect on menstrual and vaginal health.

It can be worn for exercise while on your menstrual period, and for swimming too. Some menstrual cups are suitable for sex on the period, by preventing the blood leakage, eliminating menstrual odour, and discomfort. Your partner would forget you are on your period. It is great for ladies trying to monitor their menstrual flow and health.

Many women today have switched to the menstrual cup and have not looked back. You should give it a try too! The monthly period does not have to be an expensive, painful, uncomfortable experience that makes you put your exercise and social life on hold.

We have dedicated a post to the menstrual cup, and another post about detailed benefits and challenges along with their solutions. We are currently working on finding for you the best trustworthy brands with high-quality menstrual cups to try out.

2) Period proof underwear

These are not the typical granny panties you usually put aside for this special time of the month. Apart from their sexy high waist and low waist designs, colour choices and the various sexy styles, the most important thing about these panties is that they have a waterproof layer that has an absorbency capacity of two tampons.

We have talked about sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups, and now we emphasize the benefits of period panties. Unlike the above three, there is no insertion of anything into your vagina that can cause discomfort. These panties are made of high-quality anti-microbial material that does not leave you feeling damp and prevents leaking, unlike the ordinary panties. The material supports reusability of these panties and does not leave them stained after the menstruation.

Apart from the great benefit of comfort and confidence, as well as the leak-proof protection they offer in the place of tampons or sanitary pads, there are many added benefits to using getting yourself one. You can use them to offer back up protection in case you are uncertain of the heaviness of your period flow, or in case you are planning to sit in a meeting, journey or appointment for a long period.

You can also use them for confidence boost and certainty that there are no stains on their skirts in case you have a presentation, date or just any occasion.

If you have irregular periods and are unsure of the day you are to have the period and to start wearing the pad or tampon or menstrual cup, these panties are great for being prepared in case the period comes in full swing.

You can also use them as overnight wear during your period; they are leak-proof and avoid staining of yours or your partner's clothes or bed sheets during the night. Also, it is sometimes uncomfortable to sleep in a pad or with a tampon inside your body, especially when experiencing extremely painful cramps, bloating and other PMS symptoms.

Some period-proof underwear brands come with a kangaroo-like front pocket in which you can place an optional extra pad, panty liner or even heating pad that is very helpful in reducing period cramps and discomfort.

During and after pregnancy, you can use this kind of underwear to manage urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine). Even when you are having a 9-month break from the period, they still are useful to you! They can absorb involuntarily leaking urine, without leaving you feeling damp, wet or smelly.

Athletic women can also find them so useful during this special time of the month. The fact that they do not rub against your skin, cut you or cause discomfort while you endure menstrual cramps and other PMS symptoms when working out is a great plus.

We cannot cover all details about the leakproof underwear in this article. We have dedicated a detailed post here about the pros and cons, functioning, variations, best brands and best online stores you can get one from.

3) Period tracking apps

With the variety of phones and free apps around today, every lady should at least get herself a period tracking app. Currently, I am using the Eve period tracker app, and I recently went to my gynaecologist appointment with a printed copy of my cycle irregularities, PMS symptoms variations and birth control use history.

Many unique apps are mostly free and even the premium ones come at a fair and worthy price with a lot of added benefits. These apps track your period, the inconsistencies, indicate your safe days, the effect of birth control methods you are choosing to use, your ovulation window, fertility window, and even the effect of your diet and exercise regime on your menstrual and reproductive health.

Some include a private diary section where you can rant and declutter your mind safely during the extreme mood alterations during the cycle.

They also have online forums, support groups and online communities where you can interact with other women going through the same experience and you can ask any questions or share your worries for some advice. Others come with an app certified doctor and locations to the nearby reproductive clinic depending on your location.

Some apps can sync with your health apps, health watches, and even let you sync your period and safe days with your partner for easy planning and a more intimate and communicative relationship.

Here are some of the best period tracking apps of 2017 that you can choose from, depending on your needs and preference. The ones on this list are free too!

4) The Hot water bottle

Passed down from previous generations, if you do not have this special bottle ready every month, you are missing out a lot. The benefit of the hot water bottle during this special time of the month cannot be under looked. Today, the hot water bottle has been modified over the past decades, making them more efficient, versatile, and practical as well as risk-free. This is a natural drug-free method used to relieve menstrual cramping and discomfort

How it works: when placed on the tummy or the body position where you feel extreme pain and cramping, blood flow to that area is increased, causing pain relief and more comfort.

Painful cramps are usually caused by a reduction in blood supply reaching other organs. Applying some warmth or heat using the rubber bottle will increase the flow of this blood to the painful areas.

Besides using it for the menstrual period, you can use this bottle during winter, or when you have a cold, or muscle cramps for exercise. It is also very useful for asthma patients during attacks, and can slowly and comfortably warm up your body.

They are usually rubber made and have different colours to cater to your preference.

Here are some of the other benefits of the hot water bottle, more details on it and the best brands and best online stores available.

5) Massage belts

This is one of the best fast natural non-invasive drug-free solutions for menstrual discomfort. It is also very effective because it deals with back pain, especially lower back pain that is experienced during the period.

Various massage belts come with many purposes besides menstrual discomfort relief. Some, however, are specifically and scientifically designed to alleviate discomfort from menstrual cramping.

They gently provide pressure, which relaxes the strained ligaments that cause cramps and discomfort. The constant rhythmic gentle vibration helps control involuntary muscle spasms and in turn causes relaxation.

These massage belts gentle motion also gently increase blood flow to the painful body area hence reducing the pain caused by a reduction of blood flow to these areas.

The soothing constant dependable rhythmic movement also emotionally calms you down, soothes you, distracts you from your menstrual pain and can lead to good sleep. These belts also will not disrupt your body's natural cycle, unlike the drug-related or hormone-related treatments for menstrual pain and PMS symptoms relief.

Besides, some of these massage belts come with carrying bags that make it more practical and versatile; they are also adjustable for different body shapes and sizes. They have varying placement options for example on the hips, lower back, or even the stomach, depending on the part that needs pain relief.

Another bonus of owning the massage belt is that they can be used for other cramps besides menstruation like exercise muscle cramps. You can use it for relaxation after a long day or gentle massage during a long journey. You can even lend it to your husband or partner for muscle cramps!

Some of the massage belts are suitable for home, office and travel. Besides, most of them require no batteries and are not even attached to a cord.

Some double as both a period-pain relieving belt and a back-pain relieving massage belt.

We have listed in this post here some of the recommendable massage belts, along with the pros and cons of using the massage belt. And some testimonials too!

6) Cloth Sanitary Pad (CPS)

“Fluffy vagina blankets”- www.telegraph.co.uk

These are like fluffy warm soft vagina clothes that are very comfortable and reusable. They are washable, well patterned and coloured to avoid stains. They are also cost-effective in that you are spending one in two years and are avoiding all chemical-related diseases from other sanitary products.

Unlike other sanitary products which are considered carcinogenic, these have no health risk, as long as you wash them well after your cycle. They are made of organic natural absorbent fabrics like cotton and bamboo.

7) PMS relief drinks

Under this, we will talk about two drinks, herbal teas and PMS escape.

Herbal teas:

From effectively reducing cramps to boosting your brain’s happy juices like serotonin and endorphins, these natural herbal teas could change your menstrual period experience forever.

As long as they are taken in the right quantity, these herbal teas can also improve other areas of your health like your circulatory system, digestive system and even deal with insomnia. These teas can also be used as part of your meditation routine, exercise and weight loss routine and body detoxification.

They are full of antioxidants that reduce free radicals in the body, hence healing nerve and tissue damage. They are also full of minerals and vitamins that revitalize and nourish the body.

They give you the energy that you need especially when you are having your period, and can greatly uplift your mood and reduce bloating and period weight gain.

We have dedicated an article to the various benefits of herbal teas and different herbal teas can specifically soothe you during the menstrual period.

PMS escape:

This drink is a combination of complex carbohydrates that are healthy for you. The drink increases the level of serotonin in the body, which helps soothe PMS symptoms. It also reduces sugar cravings and works in a very short time. If you are a lady with severe menstrual cramps, this drink may work for you.

It has no hormones and is completely vegetarian. Also made by a female scientist to help menstruation, many women swear by it when it comes to PMS relief. It comes in flavours like strawberry.

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