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Though a taboo for some, sex while on your period can be the missing link to a pain-free and more comfortable period. The fact that an orgasm brings healing and relief cannot be under looked. It is one of the body’s most effective natural pain relievers.

With the right tools and the right partner, sexual intercourse even during this time of the month cannot go as wrong as you think. Couples that have tried it have found it more orgasmic, intimate and have praised it for bringing them closer.

The menstrual period is a natural process that should not be frowned upon. Ladies should not find it embarrassing and men should not be scared of or disgusted by it.

Before we give you the right tools (must-haves) that will make sex during this special time of the month easier, as well as dos and don'ts, we are going to first tell you why it may be a good idea to try it out.

Advantages of sex while on her period

1. Pain relief

    Good sex is nature’s pain reliever. The boost of “feel good” body hormones and chemicals makes a huge difference in the way you feel both emotionally and physically. Some ladies find that having sex while on the period is the only reliable solution to the menstrual cramps and extreme mood swings.

    Body chemicals like serotonin and endorphins are usually produced during the orgasm and also during sex. These are important for emotional balance and being happy. Serotonin is the same body chemical found in most anti-depressants today. If you can get it for free, why not!

    Besides, there is the release of oxytocin, the love hormone is a hormone that plays a huge role in muscle relaxation and calmness. Frequent and strong Contractions of the uterus during menstruation cause so much pain. The faster release of this hormone during sex can help reduce muscle spasms and contractions, making the pain reduce.

    2. Shorter periods

      Menstruation is the process of releasing menstrual fluid that is made by shedding of the uterine wall with the help of uterine muscles contracting to push the menstrual fluid out through the cervix.

      The amount of menstrual fluid shed by the woman is unique for every woman and the menstrual period will go on until all the fluid is released.

      Sex and the orgasm cause uterine contractions. The uterine muscle contractions that occur when you reach orgasm can help flush more menstrual fluid out of the uterus, hence reducing the time needed for all the menstrual fluid to be pushed out (the duration of the period).

      Instead of your menstrual period taking a week, you will find that it will take four days or less.

      Besides, the menstrual fluid flushed out at orgasm is not as a lot as you may imagine it to be. We bleed much less during the period than most women seem to think!

      3. Emotional balance and fewer mood swings

        Some ladies find having sex on their period more emotionally calming and relieving. While others may cringe at the idea, some find it a good solution for more peace as a couple. A couple with a lady who has her period for over a week can find the sexual experience better for them, and emotionally balancing.

        Besides, there is scientific proof to support the positive effect of sex on a woman's period. The increase in serotonin helps reduce the depression and irritability you may feel while on your period. Besides, other hormones like oxytocin and the endorphin improve your mental and physical state in general.

        You are left feeling lighter, more relieved and generally happier. Also, you are left feeling closer to your partner and more confident.

        4. More lubrication (sufficient lubrication).

          For most couples, the more lubricated the better. The problem is that you may be imagining it will feel like a flood down there. However, this is not the case. For most couples that have had sex on the period, the amount of blood is shockingly less than expected. Of course, as long as you stick to certain sex position like the missionary position, spooning and other positions on her back. You could also choose day 1 and 2 or vice versa depending on your flow at the beginning or end of the period.

          Couples who usually use lubricants can find this time as a time to take a break off the lubricants.

          5. Intimacy and emotional vulnerability

            Though some men have been shocked with period sex during one night stands, it takes some level of intimacy for most women in relationships to have period sex. A discussion about, and preparation for, period sex can bring couples closer together.

            The ability to trust your partner and feel confident that they still find you sexy enough to want to have sexual intercourse while you are having extra stomach bloating, cramps and bleeding can be an extreme intimacy boost in your relationship.

            It can teach you how to talk about things you could have found sensitive, be more open both sexually and emotionally and can be started for you to explore new things.

            6. Less chance of pregnancy

              This fact is quite confusing for many people. However, it is much less likely to get pregnant while on your period. You cannot get pregnant during sex while on your period. What could cause the pregnancy is if the sperm stays longer in your uterus for 3 to 5 days, long after the sex happened. In that case, you will start your ovulation while the sperm is still alive, hence making you pregnant.

              This means you actually cannot get pregnant having sex while on your period. The pregnancy happens in the case where your ovulation starts early and finds the sperm still alive.

              It is put more clearly here: “the probabilities of getting pregnant while on your period are low, but the possibilities are there”.

              This may be one of the safest times to have sex if you are not trying to get pregnant.

              7. Creativity and fun

                Shower sex can be fun for many couples. While on your period, it is one of the best recommendations for having sex. It makes the bleeding unnoticeable and the cleaning up of both you and your partner more fun and easier.

                This could be your chance to explore the different fantasies about shower sex in your heads; then you can go ahead and continue in bed. However, make sure that you have a shower mat, to prevent any slips and accidents. Shopping for a shower mat with sex in mind can be fun for you and your partner.

                For those who find shower sex as impossible, maybe due to the shower or other factors, this is the time to get creative. After placing a black or burgundy towel on the bed, go-ahead to try out the missionary position, spooning position, and all the other positions the two of you can imagine while she is on her back. This can be fun and can boost your sexual and emotional intimacy as a couple.

                We advise you to avoid positions where she is on top because that may increase blood flow, due to gravity. Also, it may increase the mess while you move around in bed switching positions. However, if you do not have an issue with more blood or a little more mess on the sheets, why not go ahead and try all your usual desired positions out.

                8. More orgasmic sex

                  Apart from the fact that most women find themselves craving sex more while on their period, the uterine contractions, and extreme moods can serve as a reason for better sex. Some ladies find themselves extremely emotional at this too can help with the emotional intimacy of your relationship.

                  Besides, the extra lubrication of the vagina, as well as the fact that the inside of the woman's vagina is usually warmer during the period can make the sex feel better than usual.

                  Most women are also extremely impressed by men that do not frown at the idea of sex and men that are not disgusted by their lady parts during the period. The fact that she is more impressed by you can lead to more passionate sex than usual.

                  The uterine contractions due to the period combined with the normal uterine contractions during an orgasm can make the orgasm experience more intense and memorable as well.


                  Having sex while on the period depends on you and your partner and your attitude towards the idea. There is absolutely nothing wrong with finding the idea cringe-worthy or impossible.

                  There is also absolutely nothing wrong with finding yourself wanting to try it out with your partner. There is always a first time for everything.

                  This is also one of the natural effective drug-free methods of dealing with mood swings and menstrual cramps.

                  It is important to discuss this with your partner and see where you both stand on the idea and if you are both willing to explore this without any shock or judgment.

                  Intimacy and closeness are important, and even if you feel that you are not close enough, this can be something you can do to bring you closer than before.

                  It is not a flood of blood as you imagine it. Even if you have a heavy flow, there are various types of hygiene products that can control the flow and make it a better experience. In case you find the products, here are some tips for a less messy experience.

                  If you are nervous about it or have no idea how to go about it, we have dedicated a detailed post about the dos and don’ts, as well as important “equipment” necessary for a greater experience.

                  See: recommendable must-haves for great sex while on her period

                  See also: the advisable dos and don'ts of having sex while on the period.

                  We also welcome you to share your views and experience about this topic. You can leave a comment below.

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