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I have been a massage therapist for quite some time now since 2010.

Two things I have come to notice from clients and my practice;

1) The face is a sensitive part of the body. Due to different skin types, allergies, or even just the phobia of someone else touching your face, many clients especially first-timers prefer handling the face themselves until they get used to the masseuse. It is also a part that clients let only specific masseuse touch.

2) Massage is expensive and time costs. Even if you were to find that masseuse that you fully trust with your delicate face, finding time during a busy day or keeping up with the expenses can be exhausting.

However, facial massage is one of the most important sectors of beauty for ageing gracefully and attaining a healthy constant glow. In case you have time and can patiently learn the self-massage skill, which is a great thing.

The other option we are going to talk about today is a facial massager. Facial massagers save time, are more efficient, give extraordinary results with little effort on your part, depending on the kind of brand you choose to invest in.

Below are some of the benefits and reasons as to why you should invest in a facial massager

Lymphatic system drainage

The lymphatic system; this is one of the most crucial yet undermined body systems that affect the beauty, sleep, ageing, physical and emotional health of an individual. We talk about the lymphatic system drainage and tech-related to it here

There are many methods out there that are geared towards a healthy lymphatic system. You can improve it through your eating habits, beauty habits, physical activity, massage, and tech methods like the inverting table or trampoline, methods that date back to the 18th century.

Facial massagers are very efficient at ensuring a healthy lymphatic system. One of the ways they do this is by improving lymphatic drainage.

Effective lymphatic drainage leads to an improved immune system, relaxation of the facial muscles.

Release muscle tension

Massage techniques that gently arm up the body and the gentle pressing movements, vibration and warmth release tension and tightness out of the muscles gradually. This can help soften and loosen muscle tightness that is caused by stress, life problems and anxieties, as well as sunburn.

Also, tight muscles can make your face appear unnaturally puffed up, dried up, stressed and unattractive 24/7.

Stepping up your facial massage routine with a facial massager delivers constant and adjustable heat to the facial muscles which care usually delicate in case of the wrong temperature. You get to set the right intensity of warmth and vibration, massage techniques that are set to work effectively and give great results.

Improve collagen production and increase skin elasticity.

As we grow older, our skins get less elastic, supple and lose the youthful, bright, plump appearance we once had. This is an occurrence that we usually cannot avoid since it is caused by many different factors, some beyond our control.

Some of these factors include sun damage, reduction of collagen proteins that make our skin youthful, usage of artificial products over our lifetime that are not favourable, lack of proper detoxification, poor blood circulation in the facial area, poor lymphatic system drainage, among others.

Though we cannot control or even avoid this fact, we can do some things that will delay the process, and make it kinder to us when it eventually happens. One of these actions is consistent facial massage.

Facial massagers provide this consistent and effective massage. Some provide consistent vibrational massage, others ultrasonic massage to the skin, which increases blood circulation an, delivery of nutrients, and oxygen that rejuvenates the skin and leaves it looking youthful.

Most of these factors that cause ageing can be counter-acted slowly by using the right massage technique and massage products.

Wider area of usage and more advanced massage technique

Depending on the kind of facial massager you get, using facial massagers instead of your fingers increases the area of massage.

Facial massagers ensure you get the above-stated benefits and more, on a wider scale in a shorter time.

Setting aside time to massage your face daily becomes more exciting and productive as a result of this.

An example of a wide surface area facial massager is the “Akaishi Facial Massager” this massager is very effective for stimulating the facial skin and muscles gently to deal with sagging and other facial massager benefits on a wider area in a short time.

Logically, our hands seem to have more 'fingers' than this small massager, which makes it look like they cover a wider area than this small machine. However, when it comes to detailed technique, deep yet gentle, consistent and calculated stimulation, some of these small massagers do a way better job than our fingers.

Multipurpose nature

Most facial massager brands make these massagers with other functions in mind, besides the sole function i.e. massage

These massagers come with extra versatile interchangeable parts and head, besides the massage heads

Some of these functions include deep facial cleansing, with specific cleansing brushes, unclogging of pores, dead skin removal and under eye rejuvenation.

All these factors are important and go hand in hand with the massage to help you obtain an overall constant glowing youthful appearance in a short time

A great example is the Phillips Visapure Advanced massager. This massager comes with (read and add advert notes). Instead of owning various beauty products for each of these functions. This massager offers the option of interchanging heads that perform each function effectively.

One of the features that stood out for us is the features that focus on the eyes and areas surrounding the eyes. Under-eye treatment, dark circles, puffy tired looking eyes, are all dealt with effectively using the interchangeable heads in some massager parts that are dedicated to eye beauty.

Comparing this to using fingers to massage your face, these massagers stand out and offer much more options and healing.

Adjustable hot and cold function

When it comes to beauty and attaining a youthful glow, the temperature is a huge factor. Ranging from massages to baths to diet, the temperature applied to your body and to the things you choose to put into your body is specific to your needs and enormously affects the results.

Cold temperatures can be crucial in relaxing and regulating high body temperatures caused by fatigue and stress. They can help reduce dark circles and baggy under eyes that usually leave you looking tired and a lot older than you are. This is why ice parks and cucumbers are perfect for dealing with tired eyes to help you age better. Now imagine with a facial massager, whose temperatures you can control to what uniquely works for you and can be used at any time without having to wait some hours like the ice cubes method

Effective and improved use of essential oils

Essential oils work best when effectively massaged into the skin. Due to the busy schedules, we find ourselves applying these oils lightly and leaving them on the skin instead of inside the deep tissues of the skin. In this way, we fail to get the maximum value out of them and end up seeing changes so slowly.

Try to make this facial massager part of your morning and night routine as you apply the essential oils. This will force them into the deep tissue and cause faster and longer-lasting results.

Conclusion and call to action

As long as you keep your facial massager clean at all times, and avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt, you are in for many positive changes.

Choose the facial massager that matches your needs, and supports some of the benefits you desire the most as listed above.

We shall soon link for you the best and most available and reasonably priced facial massagers on the market, and where to find them.

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