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Most of us women, at least 30 per cent usually forget when the time of the month is to start. Other times, with inconsistence in one’s cycle, one needs to keep track of their occurrence in case of need to detect and deal with period irregularities. For menstrual period newbies, the need to be reminded and to keep track of irregularities too is common. Some apps help track the period history, and the visit to your gynaecologist is simplified.

These apps also come in handy when you are having a lot of sex, trying to see the effect of a new or your old birth control pill on your cycle or even the effect of a diet and exercise regimen.

No matter what your reasons are, these apps are very useful, practical, versatile, reasonable and easy to carry in your phone just like your Instagram. They are more secure too; more than even your diary since you can add a password to the phone or the app itself.

Another great bonus is that most of them are free!! And the premium ones with added benefits that come at a reasonable price.

The good ones track not only your period but also when you are fertile or ovulating, your birth control pills intake, when you had sex, the quality and quantity of your bodily fluid secretions like mucus and blood, among others. They are very highly recommended in the monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of PMS and PMDD.

Some offer a diary section too! You can use this section to have a personal full-blown rant due to this monthly enemy PMS and declutter your mind. Besides, these apps can help you keep track of your life easier, more like a private online book log with ‘events’, ‘weight’, ‘mood’ and ‘symptoms’ sections. They also have ‘question and answer’ sections that can provide answers to questions you may have during this time of the month and about the general reproductive system.

In short, these are a girl’s best friend in the app world!

We have divided this post into three sections, the apps are divided into free ones, premium ones and those that come in bundles.

For menstruation period newbies and even other ladies, the basic free apps provide a lot of benefits that you need. Of course, premium ones are sold because they have much more to offer, and the good news is that it is at a low price.

The premium and bundled apps will be talked about here. Today, let us focus on the free excellent period tracking apps that you can add to your essentials. These apps have been listed after a great deal of research and they made the list because each of them has something unique to offer besides the basic functions that all period tracking apps offer. The developers of these apps also make other health-related apps and that increases the accuracy of the knowledge scope they 0put in the app.

Basic functions of the free period tracking apps and why you should get one 

1) Suitable for ladies who have just experience menarche. 

Menarche is the first menstrual cycle or first menstrual bleeding. It is usually sudden and even stays inconsistent/ irregular of the next three or month cycles/ months. Your body is going through a lot of changes and charting the symptoms, changes and effect of diet, and other factors are very important.

2) Preparation and reminder. 

These apps show your expected period days, expected ovulation days, and notify you when you are late or early. This helps in monitoring and dealing with inconsistencies in the cycle. This comes in handy when trying to preplan for a journey, vacation, or even weekly wardrobe for work or school.

3) Monitoring the PMS or PMDD symptoms, indicators and abnormalities

This will help you a lot in finding solutions for the reduction of PMS emotional and physical discomfort. It will also help you and your psychiatrist or doctor a lot when trying to diagnose the PMDD

4) Birth control pills / oral contraceptives. 

When new on a certain pill or when you have been in the pill for so long, your body goes through various changes that end up ignored. These changes are very important to take note of. This app monitors the effect of the pill on your cycle, your body's physical and emotional state. It also makes sure you to stay regular when taking the pill by sending you daily reminders. Consistency increases the pill’s effectiveness and ensures you avoid unwanted pregnancies.

5) Sexually active young women. 

The first time I had sex, the idea of getting pregnant, despite all the protection we used, kept me awake for many nights. I was not sure when this monthly visitor I usually hate was to arrive, as I always guessed it to be somewhere at the end of the month. I awaited it for what seems like a long time then and even believed I was late and hence was pregnant. As a girl with a usually inconsistent cycle, anxiety and worry burdened me until the day my period finally arrived. Many of us go through that. Despite how many times you have sex, somehow, subconsciously, your period arrival brings you some relief. It becomes a celebration of the fact that you are not with child.

    I am quite sure many ladies can relate to!

    What most of these apps include:

    Having a period tracking app makes a huge difference and increases your peace of mind a great deal. For sexually active women, this app has a section that allows you to indicate if you got busy or not. It also reminds you of when to expect your period, so that you do not wear out with anxiety, and in case you are late if you are pregnant. With the luxury of reminders to take your oral contraceptives, consistency in taking the birth control is ensured and you cannot easily get pregnant.

    Some physical and emotional changes also occur when one becomes sexually active. They may range from a certain skin glow to queer vaginal odour, and even guilt or confidence. Keeping track of all this, in one place can be a lifesaver today.

    1) The actual period log. 

    We have talked about the symptoms of PMDD or PMS and other expectations to do with your reproductive cycle. However, here we talk about the actual period log. Many women, even those that do not suffer from PMDD, say these are usually the worst days of the month for them. Others do not even know what to expect due to changes in symptoms from time to time. 

    This is where the period tracker comes in. These apps have sections that let you document the volume and intensity of the blood flow as well as the colour and thickness of the blood and vaginal mucus. In these sections, you are usually given options to choose from (for example: dry, watery, sticky, foul smell, etc.), since most ladies do not know what to expect or how to describe blood and mucus discharge. 

    Symptoms log with possible symptoms such as acne, nausea, vomiting, weight gain, temperature rise or fall, hot flashes, laziness, constipation, cravings, bloating and emotional symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, hopelessness and anger, depression, are also listed. Consistent charting of these symptoms is very important in the diagnosis of PMDD, and also in the finding of remedies that can alleviate the symptoms. 

    You also learn what to expect and can condition yourself better when your next cycle arrives. The charting of volume and intensity if the flow is very important when choosing the right sanitary towels, menstrual cups or period-proof underwear for your unique flow.

    2) Forums and community support. 

    Often, we have no one to ask about this monthly visitor and what it brings with it. Some of these period tracking apps have communities where ladies discus the cycle, irregularities, worries and ways to make the whole experience easier. The forums where you can post your questions and get a wide range of answers also are important. 

    Also, some of these apps come with a gynaecologist or doctor that is ready to answer any period, fertility or ovulation related questions. There are also sex-related forums that teach how to improve your sex life, which oral contraceptives are best to use. This is not to discourage you from visiting a gynaecologist.

    However once in a while, when you cannot afford the visit or just need help urgently, looking through these forums, discussing your issues with a community can be of great help. Also, you will discover that no matter what your menstrual related condition is, there are many other ladies like you, and it can be solved. You are not alone!

    3) Diary section. 

    This is for mind de-cluttering and having a private personal rant. The period time of the month is usually the hardest most emotional and physically taxing time of the month. 

    You want both isolation and compassion, have increased weight and bloating, general discomfort and despair especially if you suffer from PMDD.

    4) For pregnant and lactating mothers. 

    When your menstrual cycle stops due to being pregnant, most of these apps can let you change settings to 'pregnancy mode'. 

    You can still document symptoms during this time, body and weight changes, a diary section to record baby weight, baby photos etc. it also lets you set reminders for doctor's appointments and even when you are due. 

    The communities and forums can help you answer any pregnancy questions you may have and joining these discussions can teach you a lot.

    5) Husbands, wives, girlfriends, sexual partners can benefit from you have this app in many ways. 

    When your partner knows when to expect your cycle, it is very useful for planning vacations, events, outings or even sexual appointments. It also allows then the luxury to do romantic gestures like buying you sanitary towels, chocolate, a hot water bottle or even painkillers during your period. 

    It will also enable them to understand better your emotional outbursts, indifference, physical pain and behavioural change due to PMS and the period.

      Some of these apps have the option of letting you invite your partner to view your calendar and even be more active in charting body changes, symptoms and sexual activity days. 

      This is one of the best ways to improve your sex life and bring you closer together as a couple and as friends.

      6) Integrated Features 

      Last but not least, these apps come with homey, warm colourful designs that suit any lady. Even if you are a lady who is more into the androgynous side and hates pink, there are still period apps that got you covered!

      Some are also made in a way that the display icon for the app has no period or menstrual cycle attachment whatsoever, so anyone who uses your phone would have a hard time guessing the app is about your lady business. 

      Besides, some of these apps come with an apple watch, and others with the ability to sync with your health apps and tracking devices. This enables you to make a connection between your lifestyle choices, and their effect on your menstrual cycle.

        What some ladies had to say about their period tracking apps

        “Can’t even lie, this app has changed my lifestyle! I love being able to openly ask about almost anything about me and others! It's a place where I feel comfortable talking. Also, it gives me a great time when my period is going to come and how it's going through the cycle. Love this app!! Highly recommend it for all women" eve period tracker user

        “This is an amazing way to help me remember to take my birth control every night. It also really helps me understand what’s going on with my body throughout the month. And all of the things that me eve girls talk and I talk about§ let me tell you, I’ve had so many questions answered. I also don’t feel Alone about things I thought were just me.” Eve period tracker user

        “This is practical, mature and dignifying. Instead of the girly designs, trackers that are confusing and undependable, this gives women factual information about the symptoms they have and it will make you realize that you can have a bit of control of your period; if we know nothing of why we feel a certain way or have certain behaviours, we will guess and that make so anxious and disappointed.” Flo period tracker user

        “Been married for 4 years and with 4 kids, our lives have to be pretty scheduled or its just chaos? This helps a major area of our lives. All husbands need to use this app. Just getting up in the morning and having notification that storm days ahead really helps you know when to step lightly and also makes you more compassionate, patient, and understanding with your wife.” Cycles period tracker user

        "This app tracks my wife's period. I now know when we have gotten into stupid arguments, it's always the week leading up to her period or the week she bleeds. Awesome for the relationship. Let's me know when she's extra sensitive or irritable. Gives me the insight to prepare for the calm before the storm". Life period tracker user

        “Growing up my mom used to write on my calendar the start and end dates of my period. This app is perfect for that and I love it! Tells you when your next period will be and it’s usually really accurate” clue period tracker user

        "This app is what helps me get diagnosed with PMDD, a condition of severe PMS that can be suicidal. I later got treatment and it changed my life! Can't be grateful enough!" period tracker user

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