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"What you put into your body can change and determine your entire energy"

Putting aside a particular tea for this special time of the month may be a very good idea! We have seen the different ways to deal with PMS and PMDD symptoms; some of which are pharmaceutical (pharmacological) and others, natural. The use of herbal teas is one of the drug-free non-invasive natural ways to deal with menstrual cramps, mood swings, bloating, depression and many other symptoms that come with the menstruation period.

Some teas listed below are natural diuretics that also help with bloating and insomnia. These teas also have a high anti-oxidant capacity that provides the "happy" brain juice, balance mood alterations and even deal with depression. These teas can even be added to your meditation routine!

This website is dedicated to engineering your happiness and accelerating your healing. Herbal teas do exactly that. While you are trying to maintain a good diet, taking the right supplements and exercises, among other ways to control PMS, adding herbal teas can accelerate your healing, leaving you more relieved in a shorter period.

These teas bring relief by improving the serotonin effects like dealing with depression and regulating moods or reducing the bloating, or even gas-caused discomfort during this time.

"Because we cannot scrub our inner body we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda."― Sebastian Pole

Most herbal teas are emmenagogues; herbs that stimulate blood flow in the pelvic areas and the uterus; soothing the process of blood flow during this time. Some go ahead to simulate menstruation, in case you are late or have irregular periods, making them worth adding to your cycle diet.

Many a time we find various herbs and products, for example, teas, that can help us on the internet, but we have actually never seen them and most of us even have no idea where to get high-quality teas and how to prepare them. We are here to help you with that!

Below are 7 of the best herbal teas for dealing with PMS symptoms and even improve your overall health:

Saffron tea

This is considered the most expensive tea, but its price is a testimony to the powerful benefits one can get from just a small quantity.

Many traditionalists and ancient people started using it a long time ago to alleviate pain and bring calmness. It is believed to be a spiritual herb that deals with depression and disconnection; both symptoms experienced during this time of the month.

Its main beneficial property when it comes to PMS is its serotonergic properties. Women from the beginning of time have used it to alleviate menstrual pain and ease other PMS symptoms.

Its other various uses make it even more priceless. It can be used as a meditation tea and a natural food colour and aroma source. It is used to treat skin conditions like acne and also inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the body. Spending on this herb is indeed worth it.

The saffron herb is shown to be rich in vitamins like vitamin B6, and magnesium, both of which are crucial in the treatment of PMS or PMDD.

Hibiscus tea

Usually, known as a deep red tea that promotes gradual weight loss, improves one's meditation experience and even used in the treatment of hypertension, this tea is a great tea for the female reproductive system.

Diuretics are known to alleviate PMS symptoms. Woman are normal advised to take "water pills" that deal with water retention and hence eliminate bloating and discomfort before and during the cycle. Hibiscus tea is a natural diuretic with an added benefit: it can be drunk both when hot and cold! This means you can use it throughout the year. It will also make your clothes fit more and reduce unwanted water weight that is common two weeks before and during your menstrual period. It is also known to balance hormones, provide flavonoids and antioxidants, all of which relieve pain, increase serotonin effects and treat depression.

The hibiscus herb is an emmenagogue, and it appears in this list because you are having your menstrual period or are about too. However, like many other emmenagogue teas, it is not allowed during pregnancy. This is because these teas have abortifacient properties and also emmenagogue properties that encourage menstrual bleeding and hence can lead to a miscarriage or an unwanted abortion. It is also advisable to avoid it if still breastfeeding.

Peppermint tea

This is my go-to tea for most if not all my health issues. When trying to lose weight, improve my sleep, reduce stomach bloating and even get clearer skin, eliminate bad breath, etc., I turn to this powerful tea. It is also a proven accelerator for weight loss and detoxification.

However, in this article, we are looking at menstrual pain and emotional discomfort. For the pain, peppermint or mint tea has a unique anti-spasmodic property, which also makes it effective in the treatment of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Antispasmodic herbs are herbs that reduce or control muscle spasms which in turn causes smooth relaxation. The uterine and stomach walls during this time are contracting a lot and this causes a lot of pain. Drinking this tea will calm the whole system, making the entire process smoother than usual.

Peppermint is a source of dopamine, "a brain juice" that is released during sex or eating or exercise. It also increases serotonin production leading to more happiness, regulated moods and pain reduction.

It is also a wonderful digestion aid that relieves indigestion, gas and other causes of stomach discomfort that worsen PMS. It, therefore, soothes the stomach during this time.

Chaste berry

Also called vitex Agnus cactus, this herb has been praised even by ladies suffering from PMDD, a more severe PMS. Apart from being an aphrodisiac, chaste berry contains flavonoids, alkaloids, and affects the pituitary gland, hence its ability to regulate the female hormones, relieve menstrual pain and deal with breast tenderness and pain during the menstrual cycle.

In Germany, it is a prescribed and approved treatment for PMS. When you choose the right chaste berry herb, or resort to the supplements, and use the correct dosage, you cannot go wrong with this herb.

It is known to target bloating, diarrhoea, cravings, inflammation, migraines, acne, all of which are symptoms of this time of the month.

This herb also reduces uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and even skin conditions. It also improves female fertility. It is a herb for almost all things to do with the female reproductive system.

Dandelion tea

A wild herb that has proved to be very efficient in natural liver detoxification, this tea comes in handy during this painful time of the month. It can help heavy periods, swollen breasts, unwanted period weight gain, and stomach discomfort. The liver detoxification properties work by clearing the body if excess hormone and reducing high estrogen levels, which in turn aids in providing menstrual relief.

Its diuretic properties serve a great deal here. Dandelion tea is a great diuretic that reduces stomach bloating and discomfort, both of which are main symptoms of PMS. It works to soothe the stomach when taken in the right dosage and to bring calm and relaxation to your mind.

This childhood make-a-wish herb surprisingly has a lot of nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin C, phosphorus, and even plant protein.


Praised as a meditation herbal tea since the beginning of time, calendula does not fall short in the relief of PMS symptoms in women.

Calendula tea has anti-inflammatory properties and also the ability to calm muscle spasms. This relaxes the body and improves for overall emotional state.

But that's not all this tea does. Calendula is also known for its healing abilities. It increases oxygen and blood flow, promoting wound healing.

Its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties are also an added benefit. It is also a liver and gallbladder tonic.

St John's Wort.

This herb comes in handy for the emotional symptoms of PMS and PMDD.it is one of the herbs that is highly recommended for depression and overwhelming anxiety, both of which are core symptoms of PMDD.

Many ladies with PMDD are advised to take serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) for an improved action of serotonin. This herbal tea has the same effect as the SSRI. Serotonin has a direct effect on mood regulation, behaviour, anxiety and depression.

Generally, it is a herb specifically praised for mental, mood and nervous disorders. These come in handy for women suffering from PMDD and PMS and tying this herb can bring a noticeable natural relief to you.

It also is effective when combined with chaste berry. The right dosage will bring instant relief.

Points to note

  1. Despite herbal teas being natural remedies, the correct dosage is very important and should not be ignored. These teas have powerful effects on the body. As stated above, some of these teas are emmenagogues that should be avoided by pregnant and lactating mothers.
  2. Some of these teas have strong properties that do not pair well with some drugs and medication. It is advisable to consult a health care provider in case you are on antidepressants or other medication
  3. When buying herbs or herbal teas, you will find many labels out there and it is difficult to determine which is actually of high quality and which are fresh and potent enough. You can always look for standard markers of high-quality herbs such as organic or wildcrafted mainly Indian and Himalayan products. This is mainly for many women that cannot grow their herbs or that find using already packed tea bags to make the healthy infusion easier and more manageable.
  4. Natural herbal Tea and its value are all dependent on the quality, freshness and blends of herbs it contains. With the hindrances that come from growing your herbs at home and the lack of time, it is good to have a trusted source of herbal tea brands you can trust.
  5. When you are making a purchase online it is good to choose a reliable seller that you can trust. We highly compiled for you here, a detailed list of online dependable suppliers whose quality, professionalism, and genuine products have stood the test of time.
  6. You are welcome to comment below on what herbal teas and natural remedies worked for you and those that failed you.

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